5.1 Profile for Post-usage Reporting of New Claims and/or Invoice Details

A Claim Detail Message created in accordance with this Standard that is sent to a Licensee in response to a DSR Message (or equivalent) providing sales/usage figures received by the Licensor sending the Claim Detail Message comprises:

  1. One Header Record CDMH;

  2. One or more Basic Summary Records CS01, each followed by none, one or more financial/claim Summary Records CS02;

  3. None, one or more Blocks comprising:

    1. 1 CD01 Record describing the 

      1. Resource that has been used and that the DSR (or equivalent) Message reported sales or usages for;

      2. Information about a Musical Work used in the Resource;

      3. Rights Claims for a Share in that Musical Work for a specific right, including territory and claim period information, as well as information about the Sales Context; and

      4. Invoice details for the claims;

    2. 0-n CX01 Records providing auxiliary information that can be used to provide further details on the preceding CD01 record; and

  4. One Footer Record SRFO.


Details about these Record Types are provided in Part 2 of this Standard.

To indicate that a Claim Detail Message is created in accordance with Profile, the Profile Cell in the Header Record shall be set to BasicCDMPostUsageand the ProfileVersion Cell to 1.0.

Note: while this profile has been designed for for post-usage reporting of new claims and/or invoice details, the profile may also be used, if agreed by Licensor and Licensee, for other business purposes.